The tradition of giving wedding favors can be found deed in ancient European history. The bride and groom gave small presents, or favors, to their guests and well-wishers to thank them for sharing the momentous occasion. Often suger was given and because it was such a rare substance, the contents of the ‘bombonaiere’ were of great value.
A symbol of well wishing the wedding favor represents the five most important ingredients of a marriage bond: Wealth ~Health ~Happiness~Fertility and Long Life
The wedding favor is a symbol of love and respect from the bride and the groom, and a token of well wishing for their future together and can include such items as ribbons, candles, picture frames, personalized book marks, laminated plaques, candy, seed packets, pillows, balloons, potpourri, and more.
~ Peaceful Planning

The orchid candle favors are lovely!