So Jennifer Anniston got engaged; Evelyn got head butted and Will and Jada were on the front page of MSN for long lasting couples. What really makes a marriage work? There is no simple answer because marriage is indeed complex!
Friends and Lovers! Evenutually the kids will grow up and hopefully move out so it's very important to enjoy each other's company. Laugh, PRAY, touch, have sex.. yes! have sex people. Make your marriage fun and lively.
Be Willing To Adapt to Change! You can't be so stuck in your ways that you aren't willing to make some changes when necessary. Not saying lose yourself but my goodness...Keep adapting to make the marriage work. Success in marriage is more than finding the right person: it is a matter of being the right person. Be open to change and growth.
Choose Your Battles! So he missed the bag of garbage; so what she didn't wash the dishes. Quit all the nagging and complaining about things that really dont matter. In relationships, it is vital that we give respect and reverence. In marriage, it’s a must.
Forever? For Ever Ever? Forever is a long time. Treat each other with kindness, encouragement, and challenge. Marriage is the commitment of two people as total persons.
Trust! No trust, no intimacy. Take some time away from the hustle and communicate. There are 168 hours and 10,080 minutes each week.
The average couple only spends 17 minutes per week in conversation. *-*
Dependency! Men need to be needed... and Women need to need them! Marriage is a balance of dependencies. Doesn't mean "needy" and yes there is a difference. Let him fix the plumbing ladies and guys let her expect you to do it. If we can't lean and depend on each other then what's the point. We need to be a mixture of dependent, independent, and interdependent.
Memories! When it's all said and done be sure to create lasting memories.
Do not marry someone you can live with. Marry someone you cannot live without. You are made to love and to be loved.
Someone said "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" HECK NO... life is short so get the one you love and love them without end!

Sharon Patrice
Simply Perfect Peace Events, Inc.
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