Umoja (OO-MO-JAH) Unity begins the Kwanzaa celebration and stresses the importance of togetherness for the family and the community, which is reflected in the African saying, "I am We," or "I am because We are."
Another symbol that could be useful for Umoja reflections is the Nkonsonkonson – Chain Link – a symbol of unity and human relations; a reminder to contribute to the community; that in unity lies strength. It signifies the strong bonds between people of common blood relations that are difficult to break apart. The belief includes ancestors who are constantly protecting the living. It can also serve as a reminder to give a helping hand to strengthen the communities we live in, and encourages the veneration of the ancestors in order for them to keep in touch with the living. Baba Mxolisi T. Sowell
Candle Lighting: Today we light the BLACK candle or Umoja candle. The black candle symbolizes black people. So the lesson is this: We want to build up the capacity of unity in the family, our neighborhoods and among our people. To achieve this, we discuss ways which we will build, enhance, strengthen our family bonds and community ties.
What ways have you and your family practiced this principle?
~Until Next Time
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