I'm sure you've heard the statement "you can choose your friends, not your family"; how true is that!? Family members (good, bad and ugly) help make you who you are. They are the people that when all the chips are down.. they are down with you. These are the people that during good times will cheer you on and in bad times, let you know they are bad then lend a hand to pick you up. These "family" members will get ugly with you AND about you. Raw and uncut life discussions, loyalty beyond words is my idea of family... you may not like them all the time BUT through it all they are still family and nothing and no one comes between those letters.. FAMILY.
Many families choose the summer months to conduct what we call a "Family Reunion". The importance of a reunion is the same whether it's FAMILY or CLASS--It allows opportunities to revisit the past as well as learn from the people who share your past. This life we live doesn't last forever, so when you're at the park or in your backyard these last few weeks of summer; ENJOY your FAMILY!
"Live, Learn & Grow"